View Source Boruta.Oauth.Authorization.AccessToken (Boruta core v2.3.4)

Check against given params and return the corresponding access token



Authorize the access token corresponding to the given params.


@spec authorize(params :: [{:value, String.t()}] | [{:refresh_token, String.t()}]) ::
     error: :invalid_access_token,
     error_description: String.t(),
     format: nil,
     redirect_uri: nil,
     state: term(),
     status: :unauthorized
  | {:ok,
       client: term(),
       code_challenge: term(),
       code_challenge_hash: term(),
       code_challenge_method: term(),
       expires_at: term(),
       inserted_at: term(),
       nonce: term(),
       redirect_uri: term(),
       refresh_token: term(),
       refresh_token_revoked_at: term(),
       resource_owner: term(),
       revoked_at: term(),
       scope: term(),
       state: term(),
       sub: term(),
       type: term(),
       value: term()

Authorize the access token corresponding to the given params.


iex> authorize(%{value: "value"})
{:ok, %Boruta.Oauth.Token{...}}