View Source Boruta.Oauth.Authorization.Scope (Boruta core v2.3.4)
Check against given params and return the corresponding scopes
Authorize the given scope according to the given client.
@spec authorize( params :: [ scope: String.t(), against: %{ optional(:client) => %Boruta.Oauth.Client{ access_token_ttl: term(), authorization_code_ttl: term(), authorize_scope: term(), authorized_scopes: term(), confidential: term(), id: term(), id_token_kid: term(), id_token_signature_alg: term(), id_token_ttl: term(), jwks_uri: term(), jwt_public_key: term(), logo_uri: term(), metadata: term(), name: term(), pkce: term(), private_key: term(), public_key: term(), public_refresh_token: term(), public_revoke: term(), redirect_uris: term(), refresh_token_ttl: term(), secret: term(), supported_grant_types: term(), token_endpoint_auth_methods: term(), token_endpoint_jwt_auth_alg: term(), userinfo_signed_response_alg: term() }, optional(:resource_owner) => struct(), optional(:token) => %Boruta.Oauth.Token{ client: term(), code_challenge: term(), code_challenge_hash: term(), code_challenge_method: term(), expires_at: term(), inserted_at: term(), nonce: term(), redirect_uri: term(), refresh_token: term(), refresh_token_revoked_at: term(), resource_owner: term(), revoked_at: term(), scope: term(), state: term(), sub: term(), type: term(), value: term() } } ] ) :: {:ok, scope :: String.t()} | {:error, Boruta.Oauth.Error.t()}
Authorize the given scope according to the given client.
iex> authorize(%{scope: "scope", client: %Client{...}})
{:ok, "scope"}