View Source Boruta.Oauth.RevokeApplication behaviour (Boruta core v2.3.4)

OAuth application behaviour - revoke endpoint

Implement this behaviour in the application layer of your OAuth provider. The callbacks are triggered while calling functions from Boruta.Oauth module.



This function will be triggered in case of failure invoking Boruta.Oauth.revoke/2

This function will be triggered in case of success invoking Boruta.Oauth.revoke/2


Link to this callback

revoke_error(conn, oauth_error)

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@callback revoke_error(conn :: Plug.Conn.t(), oauth_error :: Boruta.Oauth.Error.t()) ::

This function will be triggered in case of failure invoking Boruta.Oauth.revoke/2

@callback revoke_success(conn :: Plug.Conn.t()) :: any()

This function will be triggered in case of success invoking Boruta.Oauth.revoke/2