View Source Dagger.CurrentModule (dagger v0.15.1)

Reflective module API provided to functions at runtime.



A unique identifier for this CurrentModule.

The name of the module being executed in

The directory containing the module's source code loaded into the engine (plus any generated code that may have been created).

Load a directory from the module's scratch working directory, including any changes that may have been made to it during module function execution.

Load a file from the module's scratch working directory, including any changes that may have been made to it during module function execution.Load a file from the module's scratch working directory, including any changes that may have been made to it during module function execution.



@type t() :: %Dagger.CurrentModule{client: term(), query_builder: term()}



@spec id(t()) :: {:ok, Dagger.CurrentModuleID.t()} | {:error, term()}

A unique identifier for this CurrentModule.


@spec name(t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, term()}

The name of the module being executed in


@spec source(t()) :: Dagger.Directory.t()

The directory containing the module's source code loaded into the engine (plus any generated code that may have been created).

workdir(current_module, path, optional_args \\ [])

@spec workdir(t(), String.t(), exclude: [String.t()], include: [String.t()]) ::

Load a directory from the module's scratch working directory, including any changes that may have been made to it during module function execution.

workdir_file(current_module, path)

@spec workdir_file(t(), String.t()) :: Dagger.File.t()

Load a file from the module's scratch working directory, including any changes that may have been made to it during module function execution.Load a file from the module's scratch working directory, including any changes that may have been made to it during module function execution.