View Source Dagger.EngineCache (dagger v0.15.1)
A cache storage for the Dagger engine
The current set of entries in the cache
A unique identifier for this EngineCache.
The maximum bytes to keep in the cache without pruning, after which automatic pruning may kick in.
The maximum bytes to keep in the cache without pruning.
The target amount of free disk space the garbage collector will attempt to leave.
Prune the cache of releaseable entries
@spec entry_set(t(), [{:key, String.t() | nil}]) :: Dagger.EngineCacheEntrySet.t()
The current set of entries in the cache
@spec id(t()) :: {:ok, Dagger.EngineCacheID.t()} | {:error, term()}
A unique identifier for this EngineCache.
This function is deprecated. Use minFreeSpace instead..
The maximum bytes to keep in the cache without pruning, after which automatic pruning may kick in.
The maximum bytes to keep in the cache without pruning.
The target amount of free disk space the garbage collector will attempt to leave.
Prune the cache of releaseable entries