View Source Dagger.EngineCacheEntry (dagger v0.15.1)
An individual cache entry in a cache entry set
Whether the cache entry is actively being used.
The time the cache entry was created, in Unix nanoseconds.
The description of the cache entry.
The disk space used by the cache entry.
A unique identifier for this EngineCacheEntry.
The most recent time the cache entry was used, in Unix nanoseconds.
Whether the cache entry is actively being used.
The time the cache entry was created, in Unix nanoseconds.
The description of the cache entry.
The disk space used by the cache entry.
@spec id(t()) :: {:ok, Dagger.EngineCacheEntryID.t()} | {:error, term()}
A unique identifier for this EngineCacheEntry.
The most recent time the cache entry was used, in Unix nanoseconds.