View Source Dagger.ObjectTypeDef (dagger v0.12.7)

A definition of a custom object defined in a Module.



The function used to construct new instances of this object, if any

The doc string for the object, if any.

Static fields defined on this object, if any.

Functions defined on this object, if any.

A unique identifier for this ObjectTypeDef.

The name of the object.

If this ObjectTypeDef is associated with a Module, the name of the module. Unset otherwise.


@type t() :: %Dagger.ObjectTypeDef{client: term(), query_builder: term()}


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@spec constructor(t()) :: Dagger.Function.t() | nil

The function used to construct new instances of this object, if any

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@spec description(t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, term()}

The doc string for the object, if any.

@spec fields(t()) :: {:ok, [Dagger.FieldTypeDef.t()]} | {:error, term()}

Static fields defined on this object, if any.

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@spec functions(t()) :: {:ok, [Dagger.Function.t()]} | {:error, term()}

Functions defined on this object, if any.

@spec id(t()) :: {:ok, Dagger.ObjectTypeDefID.t()} | {:error, term()}

A unique identifier for this ObjectTypeDef.

@spec name(t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, term()}

The name of the object.

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@spec source_module_name(t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, term()}

If this ObjectTypeDef is associated with a Module, the name of the module. Unset otherwise.