View Source Dagger.FunctionCall (dagger v0.12.7)

An active function call.



A unique identifier for this FunctionCall.

The argument values the function is being invoked with.

The name of the function being called.

The value of the parent object of the function being called. If the function is top-level to the module, this is always an empty object.

The name of the parent object of the function being called. If the function is top-level to the module, this is the name of the module.

Set the return value of the function call to the provided value.


@type t() :: %Dagger.FunctionCall{client: term(), query_builder: term()}


@spec id(t()) :: {:ok, Dagger.FunctionCallID.t()} | {:error, term()}

A unique identifier for this FunctionCall.

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@spec input_args(t()) :: {:ok, [Dagger.FunctionCallArgValue.t()]} | {:error, term()}

The argument values the function is being invoked with.

@spec name(t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, term()}

The name of the function being called.

@spec parent(t()) :: {:ok, Dagger.JSON.t()} | {:error, term()}

The value of the parent object of the function being called. If the function is top-level to the module, this is always an empty object.

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@spec parent_name(t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, term()}

The name of the parent object of the function being called. If the function is top-level to the module, this is the name of the module.

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return_value(function_call, value)

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@spec return_value(t(), Dagger.JSON.t()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Set the return value of the function call to the provided value.