View Source Dagger.Host (dagger v0.14.0)
Information about the host environment.
Accesses a directory on the host.
Accesses a file on the host.
A unique identifier for this Host.
Creates a service that forwards traffic to a specified address via the host.
Sets a secret given a user-defined name and the file path on the host, and returns the secret.
Creates a tunnel that forwards traffic from the host to a service.
Accesses a Unix socket on the host.
@spec directory(t(), String.t(), exclude: [String.t()], include: [String.t()]) :: Dagger.Directory.t()
Accesses a directory on the host.
@spec file(t(), String.t()) :: Dagger.File.t()
Accesses a file on the host.
@spec id(t()) :: {:ok, Dagger.HostID.t()} | {:error, term()}
A unique identifier for this Host.
@spec service(t(), [Dagger.PortForward.t()], [{:host, String.t() | nil}]) :: Dagger.Service.t()
Creates a service that forwards traffic to a specified address via the host.
@spec set_secret_file(t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: Dagger.Secret.t()
Sets a secret given a user-defined name and the file path on the host, and returns the secret.
The file is limited to a size of 512000 bytes.
@spec tunnel(t(), Dagger.Service.t(), ports: [Dagger.PortForward.t()], native: boolean() | nil ) :: Dagger.Service.t()
Creates a tunnel that forwards traffic from the host to a service.
@spec unix_socket(t(), String.t()) :: Dagger.Socket.t()
Accesses a Unix socket on the host.