View Source Dagger.GitRepository (dagger v0.15.1)

A git repository.



Returns details of a branch.

Returns details of a commit.

Returns details for HEAD.

A unique identifier for this GitRepository.

Returns details of a ref.

Returns details of a tag.

tags that match any of the given glob patterns.

Header to authenticate the remote with.

Token to authenticate the remote with.



@type t() :: %Dagger.GitRepository{client: term(), query_builder: term()}


branch(git_repository, name)

@spec branch(t(), String.t()) :: Dagger.GitRef.t()

Returns details of a branch.

commit(git_repository, id)

@spec commit(t(), String.t()) :: Dagger.GitRef.t()

Returns details of a commit.


@spec head(t()) :: Dagger.GitRef.t()

Returns details for HEAD.


@spec id(t()) :: {:ok, Dagger.GitRepositoryID.t()} | {:error, term()}

A unique identifier for this GitRepository.

ref(git_repository, name)

@spec ref(t(), String.t()) :: Dagger.GitRef.t()

Returns details of a ref.

tag(git_repository, name)

@spec tag(t(), String.t()) :: Dagger.GitRef.t()

Returns details of a tag.

tags(git_repository, optional_args \\ [])

@spec tags(t(), [{:patterns, [String.t()]}]) :: {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, term()}

tags that match any of the given glob patterns.

with_auth_header(git_repository, header)

@spec with_auth_header(t(), Dagger.Secret.t()) :: t()

Header to authenticate the remote with.

with_auth_token(git_repository, token)

@spec with_auth_token(t(), Dagger.Secret.t()) :: t()

Token to authenticate the remote with.