API Reference edeliver v1.9.2



Execute edeliver tasks on the production / staging nodes.

This type represents the current config of the release manager.

This module provides default modifications of the relup instructions.

Provides functions to insert relup instructions at a given position

This behaviour can be used to provide custom instructions to modify the relup.

This struct represents relup instructions from the relup file

Cancels the upgrade if there are processes running old code

This upgrade instruction checks whether the ranch acceptors can be found.

This upgrade instruction checks whether the running ranch connections can be found.

This upgrade instruction does nothing

Notify request processes that a release upgrade starts.

This upgrade instruction logs the given info message on the node which runs the upgrade

This upgrade instruction does nothing

Runs phoenix requests again which failed during hot code upgrade.

This upgrade instruction does nothing

This upgrade instruction resumes the websocket processes

This upgrade instruction resumes the ranch acceptors

This upgrade instruction is intended for testing only

Upgrade instruction which replaces :brutal_purge with :soft_purge

This upgrade instruction starts a new section

This upgrade instruction does nothing

This upgrade instruction suspends the websocket processes

This upgrade instruction suspends the ranch acceptors

This behaviour can be used to provide custom modifications of relup instructions

This module provides default modifications of the relup instructions for phoenix apps.

This module can be used to provide custom instructions executed during the upgrade.

Provides functions to move relup instructions to a given position

Monitors application start progress.

Distillery plugin to link the vm.args or sys.config file on deploy hosts.

Distillery plugin to auto-patch the relup file when building upgrades.


Mix Tasks

Build and deploy Elixir applications and perform hot-code upgrades

Displays the release version or modifies it before building the release.