View Source AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Overrides (ash_authentication_phoenix v2.1.9)

Behaviour for overriding component styles and attributes in your application.

The default implementation is AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Overrides.Default which uses TailwindCSS to generate a fairly generic looking user interface.

You can override this by adding your own override modules to the AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Router.sign_in_route/1 macro in your router:

sign_in_route overrides: [MyAppWeb.AuthOverrides, AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Overrides.Default]

and defining lib/my_app_web/auth_overrides.ex within which you can set any overrides.

The use macro defines overridable versions of all callbacks which return nil, so you only need to define the functions that you care about.

Each of the override modules specified in the config will be called in the order that they're specified, so you can still use the defaults if you just override some properties.

defmodule MyAppWeb.AuthOverrides do
  use AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Overrides
  alias AshAuthentication.Phoenix.Components

  override Components.Banner do
    set :image_url, "/images/sign_in_logo.png"



Define overrides for a specific component.

Override a setting within a component.


override(component, list)

@spec override(component :: module(), [{:do, Macro.t()}]) :: Macro.t()

Define overrides for a specific component.

set(selector, value)

@spec set(atom(), any()) :: Macro.t()

Override a setting within a component.