View Source Calendar.TimeZoneDatabase behaviour (Elixir v1.18.2)
This module defines a behaviour for providing time zone data.
IANA provides time zone data that includes data about different UTC offsets and standard offsets for time zones.
A period where a certain combination of UTC offset, standard offset, and zone abbreviation is in effect.
Limit for when a certain time zone period begins or ends.
Time zone period for a point in time in UTC for a specific time zone.
Possible time zone periods for a certain time zone and wall clock date and time.
@type time_zone_period() :: %{ optional(any()) => any(), utc_offset: Calendar.utc_offset(), std_offset: Calendar.std_offset(), zone_abbr: Calendar.zone_abbr() }
A period where a certain combination of UTC offset, standard offset, and zone abbreviation is in effect.
For example, one period could be the summer of 2018 in the Europe/London
where summer time/daylight saving time is in effect and lasts from spring to autumn.
In autumn, the std_offset
changes along with the zone_abbr
so a different
period is needed during winter.
@type time_zone_period_limit() :: Calendar.naive_datetime()
Limit for when a certain time zone period begins or ends.
A beginning is inclusive. An ending is exclusive. For example, if a period is from
2015-03-29 01:00:00
and until 2015-10-25 01:00:00
, the period includes and
begins from the beginning of 2015-03-29 01:00:00
and lasts until just before
2015-10-25 01:00:00
A beginning or end for certain periods are infinite, such as the latest period for time zones without DST or plans to change. However, for the purpose of this behaviour, they are only used for gaps in wall time where the needed period limits are at a certain time.
@callback time_zone_period_from_utc_iso_days(Calendar.iso_days(), Calendar.time_zone()) :: {:ok, time_zone_period()} | {:error, :time_zone_not_found | :utc_only_time_zone_database}
Time zone period for a point in time in UTC for a specific time zone.
Takes a time zone name and a point in time for UTC and returns a
for that point in time.
@callback time_zone_periods_from_wall_datetime( Calendar.naive_datetime(), Calendar.time_zone() ) :: {:ok, time_zone_period()} | {:ambiguous, time_zone_period(), time_zone_period()} | {:gap, {time_zone_period(), time_zone_period_limit()}, {time_zone_period(), time_zone_period_limit()}} | {:error, :time_zone_not_found | :utc_only_time_zone_database}
Possible time zone periods for a certain time zone and wall clock date and time.
When the provided naive datetime is ambiguous, return a tuple with :ambiguous
and the two possible periods. The periods in the tuple must be sorted with the
first element being the one that begins first.
When the provided naive datetime is in a gap, such as during the "spring forward" when going
from winter time to summer time, return a tuple with :gap
and two periods with limits
in a nested tuple. The first nested two-tuple is the period before the gap and a naive datetime
with a limit for when the period ends (wall time). The second nested two-tuple is the period
just after the gap and a datetime (wall time) for when the period begins just after the gap.
If there is only a single possible period for the provided datetime
, then return a tuple
with :ok
and the time_zone_period