View Source ExGram.Model.ChatFullInfo (ex_gram v0.53.0)
This object contains full information about a chat.
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@type t() :: %ExGram.Model.ChatFullInfo{ accent_color_id: integer(), active_usernames: [String.t()] | nil, available_reactions: [ExGram.Model.ReactionType.t()] | nil, background_custom_emoji_id: String.t() | nil, bio: String.t() | nil, birthdate: ExGram.Model.Birthdate.t() | nil, business_intro: ExGram.Model.BusinessIntro.t() | nil, business_location: ExGram.Model.BusinessLocation.t() | nil, business_opening_hours: ExGram.Model.BusinessOpeningHours.t() | nil, can_set_sticker_set: boolean() | nil, custom_emoji_sticker_set_name: String.t() | nil, description: String.t() | nil, emoji_status_custom_emoji_id: String.t() | nil, emoji_status_expiration_date: integer() | nil, first_name: String.t() | nil, has_aggressive_anti_spam_enabled: boolean() | nil, has_hidden_members: boolean() | nil, has_private_forwards: boolean() | nil, has_protected_content: boolean() | nil, has_restricted_voice_and_video_messages: boolean() | nil, has_visible_history: boolean() | nil, id: integer(), invite_link: String.t() | nil, is_forum: boolean() | nil, join_by_request: boolean() | nil, join_to_send_messages: boolean() | nil, last_name: String.t() | nil, linked_chat_id: integer() | nil, location: ExGram.Model.ChatLocation.t() | nil, max_reaction_count: integer(), message_auto_delete_time: integer() | nil, permissions: ExGram.Model.ChatPermissions.t() | nil, personal_chat: ExGram.Model.Chat.t() | nil, photo: ExGram.Model.ChatPhoto.t() | nil, pinned_message: ExGram.Model.Message.t() | nil, profile_accent_color_id: integer() | nil, profile_background_custom_emoji_id: String.t() | nil, slow_mode_delay: integer() | nil, sticker_set_name: String.t() | nil, title: String.t() | nil, type: String.t(), unrestrict_boost_count: integer() | nil, username: String.t() | nil }