View Source Changelog





  • Fix ChatBoostSource, MaybeInaccessibleMessage, MessageOrigin and ReactionType subtypes for decoding


  • DSL public method changes:

    • Deprecated extract_group, now it's called extract_chat
    • extract_update_type now returns {:ok, type} | :error instead of type | :error

    • extract_message_type now returns {:ok, type} | :error instead of type | :error

  • Fix decoding inner structs on messages

  • Remove maxwell

  • Remove inch_ex

  • Webhook url supports protocol and port

  • Add and apply styler


  • Fix #131. Now multi bots with the same module is possible.


  • Added options on polling and webhook methods. WARNING: If you use custom module for method updates, the initial parameters passed to the start_link/1 has changed. Before: {:bot, pid, :token, token} Now: %{bot: pid, token: token} + options configured on children setup



  • Fix timeout on different Tesla adapters





thumb fields renamed to thumbnail on models and methods.



  • Add test_environment config and build path accordingly




  • Add SendDocument response and answer_document DSL




  • Update Telegram API to 5.6


  • Update Telegram API to 5.4


  • Add original API descriptions to methods and models


  • Update Telegram API to 5.3
  • Breaking changes from the API:

Renamed method kickChatMember to banChatMember

Renamed method getChatMembersCount to getChatMemberCount

ChatMember now has specific subtypes (ChatMemberOwner, ChatMemberAdministrator, ChatMemberMember, ChatMemberRestricted, ChatMemberLeft, ChatMemberBanned)

BotCommandScope now has specific subtypes (BotCommandScopeDefault, BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats, BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats, BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators, BotCommandScopeChat, BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators, BotCommandScopeChatMember)


  • Update Telegram API to 5.2


  • Update Telegram API to 5.1
  • Add credo and fix all the issues


  • Add {:file_content, "CONTENT", "filename.ext"} format on file fields to send content directly instead of using a file path


  • Big refactor fixing bugs on the process


  • Update Telegram API to 5.0
  • now copy to clipboard the autogenerated text


  • Update Telegram API to 4.8


  • Use Supervisor.init instead of supervisor/1
  • Add "description" option to command macro
  • Add setup_commands option to use ExGram.Bot to send the commands at startup


  • Use new generator using a generic JSON


  • Update Telegram API to 4.7


  • Update Telegram API to 4.6


  • Warn when fetching token by bot's name and there are no token
  • Update Telegram API to 4.5


  • Add the ability to configure custom tesla middlewares
  • Fix regex macros, couldn't compile


  • Add Tesla adapter for HTTP and setting it as default
  • Add ability to select Tesla adapter (tested with hackney and gun)
  • Added documentation
  • Added template for creating a bot


  • Fix an error when not receiving updates the local update_id keeps increasing and makes an infinite loop of retrieving updates


  • Update to BOT API 4.4
  • Set a softer version in README


  • Update to BOT API 4.3


  • Update to BOT API 4.2
  • Add default handle_info handler and change timeout
  • Remove Supervisor.Spec uses, clean start_link and child_spec code


  • Handle when update_worker is nil and raise a better message
  • Add {:edited_message, msg} message
  • Relax hackney version
  • Allow to specify JSON engine to use config :ex_gram, json_encoder: Jason
  • Http implementation details moved from ExGram to ExGram.Adapter.Http