View Source Nerves.Artifact.BuildRunners.Local (nerves v1.11.0)

Builds an artifact locally.

This build_runner will only function on certain Linux host configurations



Builds an artifact locally.

Builds an artifact locally.

Builds an artifact locally.

Connect to a system configuration sub-shell


Link to this function

archive(pkg, toolchain, opts)

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Builds an artifact locally.

Link to this function

build(pkg, toolchain, opts)

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Builds an artifact locally.

Opts: make_args: - Extra arguments to be passed to make.

For example:

You can configure the number of parallel jobs that buildroot can use for execution. This is useful for situations where you may have a machine with a lot of CPUs but not enough ram.

# mix.exs
defp nerves_package do
    # ...
    build_runner_opts: [make_args: ["PARALLEL_JOBS=8"]],

Builds an artifact locally.

@spec system_shell(Nerves.Package.t()) :: :ok

Connect to a system configuration sub-shell

Unsupported in >= OTP 26