View Source Nerves.Package (nerves v1.11.1)
Defines a Nerves package struct and helper functions.
A Nerves package is a Mix application that defines the configuration for a Nerves system or Nerves toolchain. For more details, see the Nerves system documentation
Get Mix.Project config for an application
Takes the path to the package and returns the path to its package config.
Loads the package config and parses it into a %Package{}
Starts an interactive shell with the working directory set to the package path
@type t() :: %Nerves.Package{ app: atom(), build_runner: {module(), Keyword.t()}, compilers: [atom()], config: Keyword.t(), dep: :project | :path | :hex | :git, dep_opts: Keyword.t(), env: %{required(String.t()) => String.t()}, path: binary(), platform: atom(), type: :system | :package | :toolchain | :system_platform | :toolchain_platform, version: Version.t() }
@spec config(, Path.t()) :: Keyword.t()
Get Mix.Project config for an application
Takes the path to the package and returns the path to its package config.
Loads the package config and parses it into a %Package{}
@spec shell(t() | nil) :: :ok
Starts an interactive shell with the working directory set to the package path