Firewall Access Rule for a Zone

An IP, IP range, or country specific firewall rule applied directly to a zone or inherited from user or organization-level rules.

List Access Rules

GET Search, sort, and filter IP/country access rules

GET zones/:zone_id/firewall/access_rules/rules

Permission needed: None

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Create Access Rule

POST Make a new IP, IP range, or country access rule for the zone. Note: If you would like to create an access rule that applies across all of your owned zones, use the user or organization firewall endpoints as appropriate.

POST zones/:zone_id/firewall/access_rules/rules

Permission needed: None

Available in:

  • FREE
  • PRO

Edit Access Rule

PATCH Update rule state and/or note for the zone. Note: you can only edit rules in the 'zone' group via this endpoint. Use the appropriate owner rules endpoint if trying to manage owner-level rules

PATCH zones/:zone_id/firewall/access_rules/rules/:identifier

Permission needed: None

Available in:

  • FREE
  • PRO

Delete Access Rule

DELETE Remove an access rule so it is no longer evaluated during requests. Optionally, specify how to delete rules that match the mode and configuration across all other zones that this zone owner manages. 'none' is the default, and will only delete this rule. 'basic' will delete rules that match the same mode and configuration. 'aggressive' will delete rules that match the same configuration.

DELETE zones/:zone_id/firewall/access_rules/rules/:identifier

Permission needed: None

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  • FREE
  • PRO