View Source Electric.Connection.Manager (electric v0.9.5)
Custom initialisation and reconnection logic for database connections.
This module is esentially a supervisor for database connections, implemented as a GenServer. Unlike an OTP process supervisor, it includes additional functionality:
- adjusting connection options based on the response from the database
- monitoring connections and initiating a reconnection procedure
- custom reconnection logic with exponential backoff
- starting the shape consumer supervisor tree once a database connection pool has been initialized
Your OTP application should start a singleton connection manager under its main supervision tree:
children = [
stack_id: ...,
connection_opts: [...],
replication_opts: [...],
pool_opts: [...],
timeline_opts: [...],
shape_cache_opts: [...]}
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
Only returns once the status is :active
If the status is alredy active it returns immediately.
This is useful if you need to the connection pool to be running before proceeding.
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
Returns the version of the PostgreSQL server.
Returns the status of the connection manager.
@spec await_active(GenServer.server()) :: :ok
Only returns once the status is :active
If the status is alredy active it returns immediately.
This is useful if you need to the connection pool to be running before proceeding.
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
See Supervisor
@spec get_pg_version(GenServer.server()) :: integer()
Returns the version of the PostgreSQL server.
@spec get_status(GenServer.server()) :: status()
Returns the status of the connection manager.
@spec start_link(options()) :: GenServer.on_start()