View Source Electric.Replication.LogOffset (electric v0.9.5)

Uniquely identifies an operation inside the shape log. Combines a transaction ID with operation ID.



An offset that is smaller than all offsets in the log.

Compare two log offsets

The first possible offset in the log.

Parse the given string as a LogOffset value.

Increments the offset of the change inside the transaction.

The last possible offset in the log.

Create a new LogOffset value.

Format a LogOffset value to its text representation in an iolist.

Returns a tuple with the tx_offset and the op_offset.


@type int64() :: 0..18_446_744_073_709_551_615
@type t() :: %Electric.Replication.LogOffset{
  op_offset: non_neg_integer() | :infinity,
  tx_offset: int64() | -1


@spec before_all() :: t()

An offset that is smaller than all offsets in the log.


iex> compare(before_all(), first())

Compare two log offsets


iex> compare(new(10, 0), new(10, 1))

iex> compare(new(9, 1), new(10, 1))

iex> compare(new(10, 1), new(10, 0))

iex> compare(new(11, 1), new(10, 1))

iex> compare(new(0, 0), before_all())

iex> compare(new(10, 0), %LogOffset{tx_offset: 10, op_offset: 0})
@spec first() :: t()

The first possible offset in the log.

@spec from_string(String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Parse the given string as a LogOffset value.


iex> from_string("-1")
{:ok, before_all()}

iex> from_string("0_0")
{:ok, %LogOffset{tx_offset: 0, op_offset: 0}}

iex> from_string("11_13")
{:ok, %LogOffset{tx_offset: 11, op_offset: 13}}

iex> from_string("0_02")
{:ok, %LogOffset{tx_offset: 0, op_offset: 2}}

iex> from_string("1_2_3")
{:error, "has invalid format"}

iex> from_string("1_2 ")
{:error, "has invalid format"}

iex> from_string("10")
{:error, "has invalid format"}

iex> from_string("10_32.1")
{:error, "has invalid format"}
Link to this function

increment(log_offset, increment \\ 1)

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Increments the offset of the change inside the transaction.


iex> increment(new(10, 5))
%LogOffset{tx_offset: 10, op_offset: 6}

iex> compare(new(10, 5) |> increment, new(10, 5))

iex> increment(new(10, 5), 5)
%LogOffset{tx_offset: 10, op_offset: 10}

iex> compare(new(10, 1) |> increment(4), new(10, 5))
Link to this macro

is_log_offset_lt(offset1, offset2)

View Source (macro)
@spec last() :: t()

The last possible offset in the log.


iex> compare(first(), last())

iex> compare(new(Lsn.from_integer(10), 0), last())
Link to this function

new(tx_offset, op_offset)

View Source

Create a new LogOffset value.


iex> new(Lsn.from_integer(10), 0)
%LogOffset{tx_offset: 10, op_offset: 0}

iex> new(11, 3)
%LogOffset{tx_offset: 11, op_offset: 3}

iex> new(to_tuple(new(Lsn.from_integer(5), 1)))
%LogOffset{tx_offset: 5, op_offset: 1}

iex> new({11, 3})
%LogOffset{tx_offset: 11, op_offset: 3}

iex> new({11, 3.2})
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in

iex> new(10, -2)
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in
@spec to_iolist(t()) :: iolist()

Format a LogOffset value to its text representation in an iolist.


iex> to_iolist(first())
["0", ?_, "0"]

iex> to_iolist(new(Lsn.from_integer(10), 3))
["10", ?_, "3"]

iex> to_iolist(before_all())
@spec to_tuple(t()) :: {int64(), non_neg_integer()}

Returns a tuple with the tx_offset and the op_offset.


iex> to_tuple(first())
{0, 0}

iex> to_tuple(new(Lsn.from_integer(10), 3))
{10, 3}