View Source Electric.Postgres.LockConnection (electric v0.9.5)
A Postgres connection that ensures an advisory lock is held for its entire duration, useful for ensuring only a single sync service instance can be using a single replication slot at any given time.
The connection attempts to grab the lock and waits on it until it acquires it.
When it does, it fires off an :exclusive_connection_lock_acquired message to the specified
such that the required setup can acquired now that
the service is sure to be the only one operating on this replication stream.
@type option() :: {:connection_opts, Keyword.t()} | {:connection_manager, GenServer.server()} | {:lock_name, String.t()}
@type options() :: [option()]
@spec start_link(options()) :: {:ok, pid()} | {:error, Postgrex.Error.t() | term()}