View Source Electric.Replication.Eval.Runner (electric v0.9.5)
Run a PG function parsed by Electric.Replication.Eval.Parser
based on the inputs
Generate a ref values object based on the record and a given table name
@spec execute(Electric.Replication.Eval.Expr.t(), map()) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, {%Electric.Replication.Eval.Parser.Func{ args: term(), immutable?: term(), implementation: term(), location: term(), map_over_array_in_pos: term(), name: term(), strict?: term(), type: term(), variadic_arg: term() }, [term()]}}
Run a PG function parsed by Electric.Replication.Eval.Parser
based on the inputs
@spec record_to_ref_values( Electric.Replication.Eval.Expr.used_refs(), map(), Electric.Replication.Eval.Env.t() ) :: {:ok, map()} | :error
Generate a ref values object based on the record and a given table name
iex> used_refs = %{["id"] => :int8, ["created_at"] => :timestamp}
iex> record_to_ref_values(used_refs, %{"id" => "80", "created_at" => "2020-01-01T11:00:00Z"})
["id"] => 80,
["created_at"] => ~N[2020-01-01 11:00:00]