View Source Electric.Postgres (electric v0.9.5)



Configuration settings that affect formatting of values of certain types.

All types currently supported by Electric

All types currently supported by Electric only in functions


@spec display_settings() :: [String.t()]

Configuration settings that affect formatting of values of certain types.

These settings should be set for the current session before executing any queries or statements to safe-guard against non-standard configuration being used in the Postgres database cluster or even the specific database Electric is configured to connect to.

The settings Electric is sensitive to are:

  • bytea_output - determines how Postgres encodes bytea values. It can use either Hex- or

                       Escape-based encoding.
  • DateStyle - determines how Postgres interprets date values.

  • TimeZone - affects the time zone offset Postgres uses for timestamptz and timetz values.

  • extra_float_digits - determines whether floating-point values are rounded or are encoded precisely.

  • IntervalStyle - determines how Postgres interprets and formats interval values.

All types currently supported by Electric


iex> :bool in supported_types()
Link to this function


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All types currently supported by Electric only in functions


iex> :interval in supported_types_only_in_functions()