View Source Electric.Plug.LabelProcessPlug (electric v0.9.5)
A plug that assists debugging by labelling processes that handle requests with details about the request.
The plug should be places right after the match plug in the router:
plug :match plug Electric.Plug.LabelProcessPlug
Returns a description of the HTTP request to be used as the lable for the request process.
Returns a description of the HTTP request to be used as the lable for the request process.
iex> process_label(%{
...> method: "GET",
...> request_path: "/v1/shape",
...> query_string: "table=users&offset=-1",
...> assigns: %{plug_request_id: "F-jPUudNHxbD8lIAABQG"}
...> })
"Request F-jPUudNHxbD8lIAABQG - GET /v1/shape?table=users&offset=-1"
iex> process_label(%{
...> method: "GET",
...> request_path: "/v1/shape",
...> query_string: "table=users",
...> assigns: %{plug_request_id: "F-jPUudNHxbD8lIAABQG"}
...> })
"Request F-jPUudNHxbD8lIAABQG - GET /v1/shape?table=users"