View Source Electric.Postgres.Configuration (electric v0.9.5)
Module for functions that configure Postgres in some way using a provided connection.
Ensure that all tables are configured for replication.
Drops all tables from the given publication.
@type filter() :: String.t() | nil
@type filters() :: %{required(Electric.relation()) => filter()}
Link to this function
configure_tables_for_replication!(pool, relations, get_pg_version, publication_name)
View Source@spec configure_tables_for_replication!( Postgrex.conn(), [Electric.Shapes.Shape.table_with_where_clause()], (-> String.t()), float() ) :: {:ok, [:ok]}
Ensure that all tables are configured for replication.
Table is considered configured for replication when it's REPLICA IDENTITY
is set to FULL
and it's added to the specified publication.
Important: this function should not be ran in a transaction, because it starts multiple internal transactions that are sometimes expected to fail.
Raises if it fails to configure all the tables in the expected way.
@spec drop_all_publication_tables(Postgrex.conn(), String.t()) :: Postgrex.Result.t()
Drops all tables from the given publication.