View Source Electric.Telemetry.OpenTelemetry (electric v0.9.5)
This module implements an API to cover parts of the code with tracing spans that are then exported using the OpenTelemetry protocol.
OpenTelemetry is an observability framework that is widely supported by observability tools.
This module's implementation is based on the opentelemetry-erlang suite of libraries. There is a rudimentary Elixir API there but it's incomplete and non-idiomatic. The idea with this module is to expose all of the functionality we're using in our code by wrapping opentelemetry-erlang's API.
The configuration for OpenTelemetry export is located in config/runtime.exs
The API implemented here so far includes support for:
Defining a span to cover the execution of a piece of code. See
.Propagating span context across Elixir processes, to allow for a span started in one process to be registered as a parent of a span started in a different process. See
.Adding dynamic attributes to the current span, after it has already started. See
.Recording an error or an exception as a span event. See
Add dynamic attributes to the current span.
Wrap the given fun
in an anonymous function, attaching the current process' span context to it.
Retrieve the telemetry span attributes from the persistent term for this stack.
Add an error event to the current span.
Store the telemetry span attributes in the persistent term for this stack.
Executes the provided function and records its duration in microseconds.
The duration is added to the current span as a span attribute named with the given name
Create a span that starts at the current point in time and ends when fun
@spec add_span_attributes(span_ctx() | nil, span_attrs()) :: boolean()
Add dynamic attributes to the current span.
For example, if a span is started prior to issuing a DB request, an attribute named
can be added to it using this function once the DB query returns its
@spec async_fun(span_ctx() | nil, span_name(), span_attrs(), String.t(), (-> t)) :: (-> t) when t: term()
Wrap the given fun
in an anonymous function, attaching the current process' span context to it.
If the wrapped function starts a new span in a different Elixir process, the attached span context will be used to establish the parent-child relationship between spans across the process boundary.
Retrieve the telemetry span attributes from the persistent term for this stack.
Add an error event to the current span.
@spec set_stack_span_attrs(String.t(), span_attrs()) :: :ok
Store the telemetry span attributes in the persistent term for this stack.
Executes the provided function and records its duration in microseconds.
The duration is added to the current span as a span attribute named with the given name
Create a span that starts at the current point in time and ends when fun
Returns the result of calling the function fun
Calling this function inside another span establishes a parent-child relationship between
the two, as long as both calls happen within the same Elixir process. See async_fun/4
interprocess progragation of span context.