View Source Electric.Utils (electric v0.9.5)
Return a list of values from enum
that are the maximal elements as calculated
by the given fun
Applies either an anonymous function or a MFA tuple, prepending the given arguments in case of an MFA.
Apply a function to each element of an enumerable, recursively if the element is an enumerable itself.
Undo the obfuscation applied by obfuscate_password/1
Encode binary representation of a UUID into a string
Output a 2-tuple relation (table) reference as pg-style "schema"."table"
Apply a function to each value of a map.
Map each value of the enumerable using a mapper, unwrapping a result tuple returned by the mapper and stopping on error.
Given a keyword list of database connection options, obfuscate the password by wrapping it in a zero-arity function.
Parse a markdown table from a string
Parses quoted names. Lowercases unquoted names to match Postgres' case insensitivity.
Quote a string for use in SQL queries.
Format a relation tuple to be correctly escaped for use in SQL queries.
Generate a random UUID v4.
all_max_by(enum, fun, sorter \\ &>=/2, comparator \\ &==/2, empty_fallback \\ fn -> raise Enum.EmptyError end)
View SourceReturn a list of values from enum
that are the maximal elements as calculated
by the given fun
Base behaviour is similar to Enum.max_by/4
, but this function returns a list
of all maximal values instead of just the first one.
iex> all_max_by([4, 1, 1, 3, -4], &abs/1)
[4, -4]
iex> all_max_by([4, 1, -1, 3, 4], &abs/1, &<=/2)
[1, -1]
iex> all_max_by([], &abs/1)
** (Enum.EmptyError) empty error
Applies either an anonymous function or a MFA tuple, prepending the given arguments in case of an MFA.
iex> apply_fn_or_mfa(&String.contains?(&1, "foo"), ["foobar"])
iex> apply_fn_or_mfa({String, :contains?, ["foo"]}, ["foobar"])
@spec deep_map(Enumerable.t(elem), (elem -> result)) :: [result] when elem: var, result: var
Apply a function to each element of an enumerable, recursively if the element is an enumerable itself.
iex> deep_map([1, [2, [3]], 4], &(&1 * 2))
[2, [4, [6]], 8]
Undo the obfuscation applied by obfuscate_password/1
This function should be called just before passing connection options to one of
functions. Never store deobfuscated password in any of our process
Encode binary representation of a UUID into a string
iex> encode_uuid(<<1, 35, 69, 103, 137, 171, 76, 222, 143, 227, 251, 149, 223, 249, 31, 215>>)
Output a 2-tuple relation (table) reference as pg-style "schema"."table"
iex> inspect_relation({"schema", "table"})
Apply a function to each value of a map.
@spec map_while_ok(Enumerable.t(elem), (elem -> {:ok, result} | {:error, term()})) :: {:ok, [result]} | {:error, term()} when elem: var, result: var
Map each value of the enumerable using a mapper, unwrapping a result tuple returned by the mapper and stopping on error.
iex> map_while_ok(["2015-01-23 23:50:07.0", "2015-01-23 23:50:08"], &NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601/1)
{:ok, [~N[2015-01-23 23:50:07.0], ~N[2015-01-23 23:50:08]]}
iex> map_while_ok(["2015-01-23 23:50:07A", "2015-01-23 23:50:08"], &NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601/1)
{:error, :invalid_format}
Given a keyword list of database connection options, obfuscate the password by wrapping it in a zero-arity function.
This should be done as early as possible when parsing connection options from the OS env. The aim of this obfuscation is to avoid accidentally leaking the password when inspecting connection opts or logging them as part of a process state (which is done automatically by OTP when a process that implements an OTP behaviour crashes).
Parse a markdown table from a string
- taking a first table that comes right after a given substring.
iex> """
...> Some text
...> ## Known types
...> | type | category | preferred? |
...> | ----------------------- | -------- | ---------- |
...> | bool | boolean | t |
...> | int2 | numeric | |
...> """|> parse_md_table(after: "## Known types")
[["bool", "boolean", "t"], ["int2", "numeric", ""]]
iex> """
...> Some text
...> """|> parse_md_table([])
Parses quoted names. Lowercases unquoted names to match Postgres' case insensitivity.
iex> parse_quoted_name("foo")
iex> parse_quoted_name(~S|"foo"|)
iex> parse_quoted_name(~S|"fo""o"|)
iex> parse_quoted_name(~S|"FooBar"|)
iex> parse_quoted_name(~S|FooBar|)
Quote a string for use in SQL queries.
iex> quote_name("foo")
iex> quote_name(~S|fo"o|)
@spec relation_to_sql(Electric.relation()) :: String.t()
Format a relation tuple to be correctly escaped for use in SQL queries.
iex> relation_to_sql({"public", "items"})
iex> relation_to_sql({"with spaces", ~S|and "quoted"!|})
~S|"with spaces"."and ""quoted""!"|
Generate a random UUID v4.
Code taken from Ecto:
iex> Regex.match?(~r/^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/, uuid4())