View Source Electric.Postgres.Identifiers (electric v0.9.5)



Downcase the identifier and truncate if necessary, using PostgreSQL's algorithm for downcasing.

Parse a PostgreSQL identifier, removing quotes if present and escaping internal ones and downcasing the identifier otherwise.

Parse a PostgreSQL relation identifier

Parse an unquoted PostgreSQL identifier, downcasing characters and failing if any special characters are present


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downcase(ident, truncate \\ false, single_byte_encoding \\ false)

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Downcase the identifier and truncate if necessary, using PostgreSQL's algorithm for downcasing.

Setting truncate to true will truncate the identifier to 63 characters

Setting single_byte_encoding to true will downcase the identifier using single byte encoding



iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.downcase("FooBar")
iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.downcase(String.duplicate("a", 100), true)
String.duplicate("a", 63)
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parse(ident, truncate \\ false, single_byte_encoding \\ false)

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@spec parse(binary(), boolean(), boolean()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, term()}
@spec parse(binary(), boolean(), boolean()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, term()}

Parse a PostgreSQL identifier, removing quotes if present and escaping internal ones and downcasing the identifier otherwise.


iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse("FooBar")
{:ok, "foobar"}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse(~S|"FooBar"|)
{:ok, "FooBar"}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse(~S|Foo"Bar"|)
{:error, ~S|Invalid unquoted identifier contains special characters: Foo"Bar"|}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse(~S| |)
{:error, ~S|Invalid unquoted identifier contains special characters:  |}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse("foob@r")
{:error, ~S|Invalid unquoted identifier contains special characters: foob@r|}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse(~S|"Foo"Bar"|)
{:error, ~S|Invalid identifier with unescaped quote: Foo"Bar|}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse(~S|""|)
{:error, "Invalid zero-length delimited identifier"}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse("")
{:error, "Invalid zero-length delimited identifier"}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse(~S|" "|)
{:ok, " "}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse(~S|"Foo""Bar"|)
{:ok, ~S|Foo"Bar|}
@spec parse_relation(binary()) :: {:ok, Electric.relation()} | {:error, term()}

Parse a PostgreSQL relation identifier


iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse_relation("foo")
{:ok, {"public", "foo"}}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse_relation("")
{:ok, {"foo", "bar"}}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse_relation(~S|"foo"."bar"|)
{:ok, {"foo", "bar"}}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse_relation(~S|"foo.woah"."bar"|)
{:ok, {"foo.woah", "bar"}}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse_relation(~S|"foo".bar|)
{:ok, {"foo", "bar"}}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse_relation(~S|"foo"."bar|)
{:error, ~S|Invalid unquoted identifier contains special characters: "bar|}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse_relation("")
{:error, "Invalid relation identifier, too many delimiters:"}
Link to this function

parse_unquoted_identifier(ident, truncate \\ false, single_byte_encoding \\ false)

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Parse an unquoted PostgreSQL identifier, downcasing characters and failing if any special characters are present


iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse_unquoted_identifier("FooBar")
{:ok, "foobar"}

iex> Electric.Postgres.Identifiers.parse_unquoted_identifier("foob@r")
{:error, ~S|Invalid unquoted identifier contains special characters: foob@r|}