View Source API Reference Backpex v0.10.0


Backpex provides an easy way to manage existing resources in your application.

Specification of the datalayer adapter.

Provides a type for Ecto to store a amount. The underlying data type should be an integer.

Behaviour implemented by all fields.

A field for handling a belongs_to relation.

A field for handling a boolean value.

A field for handling a currency value.

A field for handling a date value.

A field for handling a date time value.

A field for handling a has_many or many_to_many relation.

A field for handling a has_many (through) relation.

A field to handle inline CRUD operations. It can be used with either an embeds_many or has_many (association) type column.

A field for handling a multi select with predefined options.

A field for handling a number value.

A field for handling a select value.

A field for handling a text value.

A field for handling long text values.

A field for handling a time value.

A field for handling an URL value.

A field for handling uploads.

The base behaviour for all filters. Injects also basic layout, form and delete button for a filters rendering.

The boolean filter renders one checkbox per given option, hence multiple options can apply at the same time. Instead of implementing a query callback, you need to define predicates for each option leveraging Ecto.Query.dynamic/2.

The multi select filter renders checkboxes for a given list of options, hence allowing the user to select multiple values.

The range filter renders two input fields of the same type. Backpex offers the :date, :datetime and the number type.

Tbe select filter renders a select box for the implemented options/0 and prompt/0 callbacks. The prompt/0 callback defines the key for the nil value added as first option.

Raised when action can not be performed due to missing permission.

The form live component.

Contains common HTML functions.

Provides core components for Backpex.

Contains all Backpex form components.

Contains all Backpex layout components.

Contains all Backpex resource components.

Ensures Backpex assigns are applied to all LiveViews attaching this hook.

Behaviour implemented by all item actions.

Inline item action to redirect to show view.

Inline item action to redirect to show view.

Inline item action to redirect to show view.

A LiveResource makes it easy to manage existing resources in your application. It provides extensive configuration options in order to meet everyone's needs. In connection with Backpex.Components you can build an individual admin dashboard on top of your application in minutes.

Behaviour implemented by all metrics.

Value metrics display only a single value. This value is generated from the current index query by applying the given aggregate function. The selected value is processed by the specified formatting function and output in the frontend.

Raised when resource can not be found.

Generic context module for Backpex resources.

Behaviour implemented by all resource action modules.

Provides LiveView routing for Backpex resources.

Contains a plug that inserts the theme into the assigns

The entrypoint for defining the web interface of Backpex.