View Source Resource Actions

Resource actions are a way to define custom actions that can be performed on a whole resource.

A resource action could be something like exporting a resource to a CSV file, or sending an email to all users in a resource.


You define resource actions by implementing the resource_actions/0 callback in your resource configuration module.

Let's say you have a resource called User and you want to add a resource action to invite users to your application.

First, you need to add the resource action to your resource configuration module.

# in your resource configuration file

@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def resource_actions() do
    invite: %{
        module: MyWebApp.Admin.ResourceActions.Invite,

Each resource action is a map with at least the module key. The module key should point to the module that implements the resource action. The key in the keyword list is the unique id of the resource action.

Implementing a Resource Action

A resource action is a module that uses the Backpex.ResourceAction module.

defmodule MyAppWeb.Admin.Actions.Invite do
    use Backpex.ResourceAction

    import Ecto.Changeset

    @impl Backpex.ResourceAction
    def label, do: "Invite"

    @impl Backpex.ResourceAction
    def title, do: "Invite user"

    # you can reuse Backpex fields in the field definition
    @impl Backpex.ResourceAction
    def fields do
            email: %{
                module: Backpex.Fields.Text,
                label: "Email",
                type: :string

    @impl Backpex.ResourceAction
    def changeset(change, attrs) do
        |> cast(attrs, [:email])
        |> validate_required([:email])
        |> validate_email(:email)

    @impl Backpex.ResourceAction
    def handle(_socket, data) do
        # Send mail

        # We suppose there was no error.
        if true do
            {:ok, "An invitation email to #{} was sent successfully."}
            {:error, "An error occurred while sending an invitation email to  #{}!"}

See Backpex.ResourceAction for a documentation of the callbacks.

The handle/2 callback is called when the user submits the form to perform the action. In this example, we suppose there was no error sending the invitation email and return a success message.

You can access the email entered by the user in the data argument. The data argument is a map that contains the casted and validated data from the form (received from Ecto.Changeset.apply_action/2).

We validate the email address using the validate_email/2 function provided by the Ecto.Changeset module.


Each resource action has its own route. The route is defined by the id of the resource action. If you use the live_resource/3 macro, the route is automatically added to the live resource.