View Source How to add a Filter?

Adding a filter to your LiveResource is a two step process:

Defining a Filter module

First, you need to define a filter module that implements one of the behaviors from the Backpex.Filters namespace., This may be one of the built-in filters or a custom filter.

We suggest to use a MyAppWeb.Filters.<FILTERNAME> convention.

If you want to add one of the built-in filters, you can click on the filter type in the list of Built-in Filters to see how to define a filter module for that filter type.

For example, the following example shows how to define a filter module for a select filter that filters posts based on a category:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Filters.PostCategorySelect do
  use Backpex.Filters.Select

  alias MyApp.Category
  alias MyApp.Post
  alias MyApp.Repo

  @impl Backpex.Filter
  def label, do: "Category"

  @impl Backpex.Filters.Select
  def prompt, do: "Select category ..."

  @impl Backpex.Filters.Select
  def options do
    query =
      from p in Post,
        join: c in Category,
        on: p.category_id ==,
        select: {,}


Adding the Filter to your LiveResource

After you have defined the filter module, you need to add the filter to your LiveResource.

To do this, you need to define the filter in the filters/0 callback in your LiveResource module.

Here is an example of how to add a filter to your LiveResource:

@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def filters, do: [
    category_id: %{
        module: MyAppWeb.Filters.PostCategorySelect,

In this example, we add a filter with the name category_id to the LiveResource. The filter uses the MyAppWeb.Filters.PostCategorySelect module we defined earlier.

Overwriting the Filter Label

You can also overwrite the filter label defined in the filter label by adding a label key to the filter map:

@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def filters, do: [
    category_id: %{
        module: MyAppWeb.Filters.PostCategorySelect,
        label: "Category"