View Source Search

Backpex provides a simple search feature that allows you to search for records in your resources. You can search for records based on the values of the fields in your resources.


Note that fields are searched using a case-insensitive ilike query.


To enable searching, you need to flag the fields you want to search on as searchable.

# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def fields do
        searchable: true

A search input will appear automatically on the resource index view.

Custom Placeholder

You can provide a custom placeholder for the search input by implementing the search_placeholder/0 callback in your resource configuration file.

# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def search_placeholder, do: "This will be shown in the search input."

In addition to basic searching, Backpex allows you to perform full-text searches on resources (see Full-Text Search Guide).