View Source Visibility

You can change the visibility of fields in certain views.

Visibility with only and except

You can use the only and except options to define the views where a field should be visible. The only option will show the field only in the specified views, while the except option will show the field in all views except the specified ones. The options have to be a list of view names.

The following values are supported: :new, :edit, :show, :index and :resource_action.

# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def fields do
    likes: %{
        module: Backpex.Fields.Number,
        label: "Likes",
        only: [:show, :edit]

The example above will show the likes field only in the show and edit views.

# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def fields do
    likes: %{
        module: Backpex.Fields.Number,
        label: "Likes",
        except: [:new]

The example above will show the likes field in all views except the new view.

Visibility with visible


Note that the option visible is only available for the show and edit views.

To change the visibility of a field, you can also set the visible option in the field configuration. The visible option has to return a function that receives the assigns and returns a boolean value.

# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def fields do
    likes: %{
        module: Backpex.Fields.Number,
        label: "Likes",
        visible: fn assigns ->
            assigns.current_user.role in [:admin]

The example above will show the likes field only to users with the admin role.


Note that hidden fields are not exempt from validation by Backpex itself and the visible function is not executed on :index.

Visibility with can?

In addition to the visible option, we provide a can? option that you can use to determine the visibility of a field.

It can also be used on :index. It takes the assigns as a parameter and has to return a boolean value.

# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def fields do
    inserted_at: %{
        module: Backpex.Fields.DateTime,
        label: "Created At",
        can?: fn
            %{live_action: :show} = _assigns ->

            _assigns ->

Also see the field authorization guide.

Advanced Example

Imagine you want to implement a checkbox in order to toggle an input field (post likes). The input field should be visible when it has a certain value (post likes > 0).

# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def fields do
    # show_likes is a virtual field in the post schema
    show_likes: %{
        module: Backpex.Fields.Boolean,
        label: "Show likes",
        # initialize the button based on the likes value
        select: dynamic([post: p], fragment("? > 0", p.likes)),
    likes: %{
        module: Backpex.Fields.Number,
        label: "Likes",
        # display the field based on the `show_likes` value
        # the value can be part of the changeset or item (when edit view is opened initially).
        visible: fn
            %{live_action: :new} = assigns ->
            Map.get(assigns.changeset.changes, :show_likes)

            %{live_action: :edit} = assigns ->
            Map.get(assigns.changeset.changes, :show_likes, Map.get(assigns.item, :show_likes, false))

            _assigns ->