View Source Item Query

It is possible to manipulate the query when fetching resources for index, show and edit view.

In all queries we define a from query with a named binding to fetch all existing resources on index view or a specific resource on show / edit view. After that, we call the item_query function. By default it returns the incoming query.

The item_query function makes it easy to add custom query expressions.


To add a custom query to a resource, you need to implement the item_query/3 callback in your resource configuration file:

# in your resource configuration file

@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def item_query(query, :index, _assigns) do
|> where([post], post.published)

The example above will filter all posts by a published boolean on index view. We also made use of the named binding. It's always the name of the provided schema in snake_case. It is recommended to build your item_query on top of the incoming query. Otherwise you will likely get binding errors.