View Source LiveResource Authorization

You are able to define authorization rules for your resources. The authorization rules are defined in the resource configuration file and are used to control access to certain actions.


To define authorization rules for a resource, you need to implement the can/3 callback in the resource configuration file.

# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def can?(assigns, :show, item), do: false
def can?(assigns, action, item), do: true

The example above will deny access to the show action and allow access to all other actions.

# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def can?(assigns, :show, item) do
    user = assigns.current_user

    item.user_id ==

def can?(assigns, action, item), do: true

The example above will deny access to the show action if the user_id of the item does not match the id of the current user.

You can also use can/3 to restrict access to item or resource actions.

# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def can?(_assigns, :my_item_action, item), do: item.role == :admin
def can?(assigns, action, item), do: true

The example above will deny access to the my_item_action action if the role of the item is not :admin.


The can? callback receives the following parameters:

  • assigns - the assigns of the LiveView
  • action - the action that is being authorized (available actions are: :index , :new, :show, :edit, :delete, :your_item_action_key, :your_resource_action_key)
  • item - the item that is being authorized

Return value

The can? callback must return a boolean value. If the return value is true, the action is allowed. If the return value is false, the action is denied.