View Source Upgrading to v0.2

Bump Your Deps

Update Backpex to the latest version:

  defp deps do
      {:backpex, "~> 0.2.0"}

Pass assigns to init_change functions

We change the arity of the init_change/0 function to init_change/1 for resource and item actions.

The param will be the assigns. This adds more ways to construct an initial change.

If you had such a function in your resource or item action:

@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def init_change() do
  # construct init change

You need to change it to this:

@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def init_change(_assigns) do
  # construct init change

Change arity of changeset functions

See Pull Request.

We are introducing a new way to pass metadata to changeset functions. Previously, we supported changeset functions with different arities to optionally pass the assigns and target name to changesets.

With this release, we require the arity of all changeset functions you provide to be 3.

The metadata, previously passed as additional parameters, is now passed as a keyword list to changesets as the third parameter.

Currently we pass the following metadata to changesets:

  • :assigns - the assigns
  • :target - the name of the form target that triggered the changeset call

When you previously had a LiveResource and Schema that looked like the following:

defmodule MyAppWeb.UserLive do
  use Backpex.LiveResource,
      update_changeset: &MyApp.User.changeset/2,
      create_changeset: &MyApp.User.changeset/2,

defmodule MyApp.User do

  def changeset(user, attrs) do

You have to change it to this:

defmodule MyAppWeb.UserLive do
  use Backpex.LiveResource,
    update_changeset: &MyApp.User.changeset/3,
    create_changeset: &MyApp.User.changeset/3,

defmodule MyApp.User do

  def changeset(user, attrs, metadata) do
    # fetch assigns from metadata
    assigns = Keyword.get(metadata, :assigns)

    # fetch target from metadata
    assigns = Keyword.get(metadata, :target)


This change applies to Resource and Item Actions as well.

For example:

defmodule MyApp.EmailResourceAction
  use Backpex.ResourceAction

  @impl Backpex.ResourceAction
  def changeset(change, attrs, _metadata \\ []) do

Update prompt option

With v0.2 we are updating the prompt option for fields. This affects to the following fields: BelongsTo, Select, HasMany, ManyToMany and MultiSelect. The prompt option can be raw text or a function that takes the assigns and returns text. We no longer support adding additional options.

If you previously had a field that looked like the following:

def fields do
    user: %{
      module: Backpex.Fields.BelongsTo,
      label: "Author",
      prompt: [key: "Please select an author", disabled: true],

You need to change it to the following:

def fields do
    user: %{
      module: Backpex.Fields.BelongsTo,
      label: "Author",
      prompt: "Please select an author",