View Source Filter Presets

Backpex allows you to define filter presets for your filters. Filter presets are used to define a set of filter configurations that can easily be applied to the data being displayed in the index view. Filter Presets consist of a name and a list of values that are used to filter the data. For example, you can define a filter preset for a date filter that filters the data based on the current month. Then the user can easily apply this filter by selecting the preset from the filter dropdown.

Defining a Filter Preset

To define presets for your filters, you need to add a list of maps under the key of :presets to your filter in your LiveResource.

Each of those maps has two keys:

  1. :label – the name of the preset shown to the user
  2. :values – a function with arity 0 that returns the values corresponding to your used filter

See the example below for some preset examples. We add a preset for a date filter that filters the data based on the last 7 days and a preset for a select filter that filters the data based on the published status of an event.

@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def filters, do: [
    begins_at: %{
        module: MyAppWeb.Filters.DateRange,
        label: "Begins At",
        presets: [
            label: "Last 7 Days",
            values: fn -> %{
                "start" => Date.add(Date.utc_today(), -7),
                "end" => Date.utc_today()
            } end
    published: %{
        module: MyAppWeb.Filters.EventPublished,
        presets: [
                label: "Both",
                values: fn -> [:published, :not_published] end
                label: "Only published",
                values: fn -> [:published] end