View Source Item Actions
An item action defines an action (such as deleting a user) that can be performed on one or more items. Unlike resource actions, item actions are not automatically performed on all items in a resource.
An item action could be something like deleting a user, or sending an email to a specific user.
There are multiple ways to perform an Item Action:
- use the checkboxes in the first column of the resource table to select 1-n items and trigger the action later on
- use an icon in the last column of the resource table to perform the Item Action for one item
If you use the first method, you must trigger the item action using the button above the resource action. If you use the second method, the item action is triggered immediately.
Backpex ships with a few built-in item actions, such as delete
, show
, and edit
To add an item action to a resource, you need to implement the item_actions/1
callback in your resource configuration module. The function has to return a list of maps, where each map represents an item action. It takes the default item actions as an argument. This way you can add your custom item actions to the default ones or even replace them.
Let's say we want to add a show
item action to navigate to the show view of a user and replace all other default item actions.
First, we need to add the item action to our resource configuration module.
# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def item_actions([_show, _edit, _delete]) do
show: %{
module: DemoWeb.ItemAction.Show
In the above example, we only return the show
item action. This way we replace the default show
, edit
, and delete
item actions with our custom show
item action.
Implementing an Item Action
An item action is a module that uses the Backpex.ItemAction
module. To get started, you can use the BackpexWeb
module and provide the :item_action
option. This will import the necessary functions and macros to define an item action.
In the following example, we define an item action to navigate to the show view of a user.
defmodule DemoWeb.ItemAction.Show do
use BackpexWeb, :item_action
@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def icon(assigns, _item) do
<Backpex.HTML.CoreComponents.icon name="hero-eye" class="h-5 w-5 cursor-pointer transition duration-75 hover:scale-110 hover:text-green-600" />
@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def label(_assigns, _item), do: "Show"
@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def handle(socket, [item | _items], _data) do
path = Router.get_path(socket, socket.assigns.live_resource, socket.assigns.params, :show, item)
{:noreply, Phoenix.LiveView.push_patch(socket, to: path)}
As with resource actions, the Backpex.ItemAction.handle/3
function is called when the item action is triggered. The handle function receives the socket, the items to be affected by the action, and the parameters passed by the user.
In the example above, we define an item action to navigate to a user's show view. The function Backpex.ItemAction.handle/3
is used to navigate to the corresponding view. The Backpex.Router.get_path/6
function is used to generate the path needed.
The callbacks Backpex.ItemAction.icon/2
and Backpex.ItemAction.label/2
get the item on which the action is executed. You can use the item to customize this function depending on the item.
Note that the item in the Backpex.ItemAction.label/2
callback is nil if the callback is used to display the label of the item action button above the resource table or the label of the confirmation dialog. The item is present if the callback is used to determine the tooltip for the item action icon.
See Backpex.ItemAction
for a list of all available callbacks.
Placement of Item Actions
Item actions can be placed in the resource table or at the top of it. You can specify the placement of the item action by using the only
The only key must provide a list and accepts the following options
- display an icon for each element in the table that can trigger the Item Action for the corresponding element:index
- display a button at the top of the resource table, which triggers the Item Action for selected items
The following example shows how to place the show
item action on the index table rows only.
# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def item_actions([_show, _edit, _delete]) do
show: %{
module: DemoWeb.ItemAction.Show,
only: [:row]
Advanced Item Action
In the following example, we define an item action to soft delete users. The item action will also asked the user for a reason before the user can be deleted.
First, wee need to add the item action to our resource configuration module.
# in your resource configuration file
@impl Backpex.LiveResource
def item_actions([show, edit, _delete]) do
Enum.concat([show, edit],
soft_delete: %{module: DemoWeb.ItemAction.SoftDelete}
In the above example, we add the soft_delete
item action to the default item actions. We do not add the default delete
item action to the list of item actions. This way we replace the default delete
item action with our custom soft_delete
item action.
Next, we need to implement the item action module.
defmodule DemoWeb.ItemAction.SoftDelete do
use BackpexWeb, :item_action
import Ecto.Changeset
alias Backpex.Resource
@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def icon(assigns, _item) do
<Backpex.HTML.CoreComponents.icon name="hero-eye" class="h-5 w-5 cursor-pointer transition duration-75 hover:scale-110 hover:text-green-600" />
@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def fields do
reason: %{
module: Backpex.Fields.Textarea,
label: "Reason",
type: :string
@required_fields ~w[reason]a
@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def changeset(change, attrs, _meta) do
|> cast(attrs, @required_fields)
|> validate_required(@required_fields)
@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def confirm(_assigns), do: "Why do you want to delete this item?"
@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def label(_assigns, _item), do: "Delete"
@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def confirm_label(_assigns), do: "Delete"
@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def cancel_label(_assigns), do: "Cancel"
@impl Backpex.ItemAction
def handle(socket, items, data) do
datetime = DateTime.truncate(DateTime.utc_now(), :second)
socket =
try do
{:ok, _items} =
[set: [deleted_at: datetime, reason: data.reason]],
|> clear_flash()
|> put_flash(:info, "Item(s) successfully deleted.")
|> clear_flash()
|> put_flash(:error, error)
{:noreply, socket}
In the above example, we define an item action to soft delete users. The item action will also ask the user for a reason before the user can be deleted. The user needs to fill out the reason field before the item action can be performed. The reason field is defined in the Backpex.ItemAction.fields/0
function. The Backpex.ItemAction.changeset/3
function is used to validate the user input.
The Backpex.ItemAction.handle/3
function is called when the item action is triggered. The handle function receives the socket, the items that should be affected by the action, and the parameters that were submitted by the user.
By default an item action is triggered immediately when the user clicks on the corresponding icon in the resource table or in the show view, but an item actions also supports a confirmation dialog. To enable the confirmation dialog you need to implement the Backpex.ItemAction.confirm/1
function and return a string that will be displayed in the confirmation dialog. The confirmation dialog will be displayed when the user clicks on the icon in the resource table.
You might want to use the c:Backpex.ItemAction.cancel_label/0
(defaults to "Cancel") and c:Backpex.ItemAction.confirm_label/0
(defaults to "Apply") functions to set the labels of the buttons in the dialog.