View Source Readonly

Fields can be configured to be readonly. In edit view, these fields are rendered with the additional HTML attributes readonly and disabled, ensuring that the user cannot interact with the field or change its value.

In index view, if readonly and index editable is set to true, forms will be rendered with the readonly HTML attribute.

Supported fields

On index view, read-only is supported for all fields with the index editable option (see Index Edit).

On edit view, read-only is supported for:


To enable read-only for a field, you need to set the readonly option to true in the field configuration. This key must contain either a boolean value or a function that returns a boolean value.

# in your resource configuration file
def fields do
    rating: %{
        module: Backpex.Fields.Text,
        label: "Rating",
        readonly: fn assigns ->
            assigns.current_user.role in [:employee]
# in your resource configuration file
def fields do
    rating: %{
        module: Backpex.Fields.Text,
        label: "Rating",
        readonly: true

Readonly for custom fields

You can also add readonly functionality to a custom field. To do this, you need to define a render_form_readonly/1 function. This function must return markup to be used when readonly is enabled.

@impl Backpex.Field
def render_form_readonly(assigns) do
            <Layout.input_label text={@field[:label]} />

When defining a custom field with index editable support, you need to handle the readonly state in the index editable markup. There is a readonly value in the assigns, which will be true or false.