Ash.Query.Aggregate (ash v3.4.62)

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Represents an aggregated association value



Create a new aggregate, used with Query.aggregate or Ash.aggregate



@type kind() ::
  :custom | :exists | :avg | :min | :max | :list | :sum | :first | :count


@type t() :: %Ash.Query.Aggregate{
  agg_name: term(),
  authorize?: term(),
  constraints: term(),
  context: term(),
  default_value: term(),
  field: term(),
  filterable?: term(),
  implementation: term(),
  include_nil?: term(),
  join_filters: term(),
  kind: term(),
  load: term(),
  name: term(),
  query: term(),
  read_action: term(),
  relationship_path: term(),
  resource: term(),
  sensitive?: term(),
  sortable?: term(),
  type: term(),
  uniq?: term()



new(resource, name, kind, opts \\ [])

Create a new aggregate, used with Query.aggregate or Ash.aggregate


  • :path (list of atom/0) - The relationship path to aggregate over. Only used when adding aggregates to a query. The default value is [].

  • :query (term/0) - A base query to use for the aggregate, or a keyword list to be passed to

  • :field - The field to use for the aggregate. Not necessary for all aggregate types.

  • :expr (term/0) - An expression to aggregate, cannot be used with field.

  • :expr_type - The type of the expression, required if expr is used.

  • :arguments (map/0) - Arguments to pass to the field, if field is a calculation.

  • :default (term/0) - A default value to use for the aggregate if it returns nil.

  • :filterable? (boolean/0) - Whether or not this aggregate may be used in filters. The default value is true.

  • :sortable? (boolean/0) - Whether or not this aggregate may be used in sorts. The default value is true.

  • :type (term/0) - A type to use for the aggregate.

  • :constraints (term/0) - Type constraints to use for the aggregate. The default value is [].

  • :implementation (term/0) - The implementation for any custom aggregates.

  • :read_action (atom/0) - The read action to use for the aggregate, defaults to the primary read action.

  • :uniq? (boolean/0) - Whether or not to only consider unique values. Only relevant for count and list aggregates. The default value is false.

  • :include_nil? (boolean/0) - Whether or not to include nil values in the aggregate. Only relevant for list and first aggregates. The default value is false.

  • :join_filters (map of one or a list of atom/0 keys and term/0 values) - A map of relationship paths (an atom or list of atoms), to an expression to apply when fetching the aggregate data. See the aggregates guide for more. The default value is %{}.

  • :sensitive? (boolean/0) - Whether or not references to this aggregate will be considered sensitive The default value is false.

  • :tenant (term/0) - The tenant to use for the aggregate, if applicable. The default value is nil.

  • :authorize? (boolean/0) - Whether or not the aggregate query should authorize based on the target action.
    See Ash.Resource.Dsl.aggregates.count for more information. The default value is true.

new!(resource, name, kind, opts \\ [])