View Source Grizzly.Commands.Table (grizzly v8.6.6)
Lookup table for sendable Z-Wave commands.
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Get the handler spec for the command
Look up the Z-Wave command module and default Grizzly command options via the command name
Whether the command can be supervised (only commands that use the AckResponse handler can be supervised).
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@spec format_handler_spec(module() | Grizzly.handler_spec()) :: Grizzly.handler_spec()
@spec handler(Grizzly.command()) :: Grizzly.handler_spec()
Get the handler spec for the command
@spec lookup(Grizzly.command()) :: {module(), [Grizzly.command_opt()]}
Look up the Z-Wave command module and default Grizzly command options via the command name
@spec supports_supervision?(Grizzly.command()) :: boolean()
Whether the command can be supervised (only commands that use the AckResponse handler can be supervised).