Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.ScheduleEntryTypeSupportedReport (grizzly v8.7.0)

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This command is used to report the number of supported schedule slots an Entry Lock schedule device supports for each user in the system.


  • :number_of_slots_week_day - A number from 0 – 255 that represents how many different schedule slots are supported each week for every user in the system for type Week Day.

  • :number_of_slots_year_day - A number from 0 – 255 that represents how many different schedule slots are supported for every user in the system for type Year Day.

  • :number_of_slots_daily_repeating - A number from 0 to 255 that represents how many different schedule slots are supported for every user in the system for type Daily Repeating Day.




@type param() ::
  {:number_of_slots_week_day, byte()}
  | {:number_of_slots_year_day, byte()}
  | {:number_of_slots_daily_repeating, byte()}