Grizzly.ZIPGateway.Config (grizzly v8.7.0)
View SourceBuilds valid zipgateway.cfg
based on Grizzly options.
Ensure required files are on disk and contain the correct contents
Make a new ZipgatewayCfg.t()
from the supplied options
Turn the ZipgatewayCfg.t()
into a string
Write the contents of the ZipgatewayCfg.t()
to the file system
@type t() :: %Grizzly.ZIPGateway.Config{ ca_cert: Path.t(), cert: Path.t(), database_file: Path.t() | nil, extra_classes: [byte()], extra_config: String.t() | nil, hardware_version: non_neg_integer() | nil, identify_script: term(), lan_gw6: String.t(), lan_ip: :inet.ip_address(), manufacturer_id: non_neg_integer() | nil, pan_ip: :inet.ip_address(), power_level: {Grizzly.Supervisor.tx_power(), Grizzly.Supervisor.measured_power()} | nil, priv_key: Path.t(), product_id: non_neg_integer() | nil, product_type: non_neg_integer() | nil, provisioning_config_file: Path.t(), psk: String.t(), pvs_storage_file: Path.t(), rf_region: Grizzly.Supervisor.rf_region() | nil, serial_log: String.t() | nil, tun_script: Path.t(), unsolicited_destination: {:inet.ip_address(), :inet.port_number()} }
Ensure required files are on disk and contain the correct contents
This is useful to ensure other tools provided by zipgateway
can work.
Make a new ZipgatewayCfg.t()
from the supplied options
Turn the ZipgatewayCfg.t()
into a string
@spec write(t(), Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, File.posix()}
Write the contents of the ZipgatewayCfg.t()
to the file system