Grizzly.SwitchBinary (grizzly v8.7.0)
View SourceCommands for working with devices that support the Switch Binary command class
Optional parameters used when setting the switch state
The value the switch's state can be set to
@type report() :: %{ target_value: Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.SwitchBinaryReport.value(), current_value: Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.SwitchBinaryReport.value() | nil, duration: byte() | nil, version: 1 | 2 }
The report received after requesting the state fo the switch using the
@type set_opt() :: {:duration, non_neg_integer()}
Optional parameters used when setting the switch state
- the duration that the transition from current state to target state should take (version 2).
@type set_value() :: :on | :off
The value the switch's state can be set to
@spec get(Grizzly.ZWave.node_id(), [Grizzly.command_opt()]) :: {:ok, report()} | {:queued, reference(), non_neg_integer()} | {:error, :timeout | :including | :updating_firmware | :nack_response | any()}
Request the current state of the switch
This command will return a report()
in response.
@spec set(Grizzly.ZWave.node_id(), set_value(), [set_opt() | Grizzly.command_opt()]) :: :ok | {:queued, reference(), non_neg_integer()} | {:error, :timeout | :including | :updating_firmware | :nack_response | any()}
Set the target value of the binary switch
Devices that support version 2 of the switch binary command class and optionally be passed a duration that specifies the duration of the transition from the current value to the target value.