View Source Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.FirmwareUpdateMDRequestGet (grizzly v8.6.7)

The Firmware Update Meta Data Request Get Command is used to request that a firmware update be initiated.


  • :manufacturer_id - A unique ID identifying the manufacturer of the device (required)
  • :firmware_id - A manufacturer SHOULD assign a unique Firmware ID to each existing product variant. (required)
  • :checksum - The checksum of the firmware image. (required)
  • :firmware_target - The firmware image to be updated - 0x00 for the ZWave chip, others are defined by the manufacturer (v3)
  • :fragment_size - The requested number of Data bytes that is to be used for firmware fragments (v3)
  • :activation_may_be_delayed? - Whether the receiving node may delay the actual firmware update. (V4)
  • :hardware_version - A value which is unique to this particular version of the product. (v5+)




@type param() ::
  {:manufacturer_id, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:firmware_id, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:checksum, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:firmware_target, byte()}
  | {:fragment_size, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:hardware_version, byte()}
  | {:activation_may_be_delayed?, boolean()}