Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.BatteryReport (grizzly v8.7.0)

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This module implements the BATTERY_REPORT command of the COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERY command class.


  • :level - percent charged - v1
  • :charging_status - whether charging, discharging or maintaining - v2
  • :rechargeable - whether the battery is rechargeable - v2
  • :backup - whether used as a backup source of power - v2
  • :overheating - whether it is overheating - v2
  • :low_fluid - whether the battery fluid is low and should be refilled - v2
  • :replace_recharge - whether the battery needs to be replaced or recharged - v2
  • :disconnected - whether the battery is disconnected nd the node is running on an alternative power source - v2
  • :low_temperature - whether the battery of a device has stopped charging due to low temperature - v3




@type param() ::
  {:level, 0..100}
  | {:charging_status, :charging | :discharging | :maintaining}
  | {:rechargeable, boolean()}
  | {:backup, boolean()}
  | {:overheating, boolean()}
  | {:low_fluid, boolean()}
  | {:replace_recharge, :unknown | :soon | :now}
  | {:disconnected, boolean()}
  | {:low_temperature, boolean()}