View Source Grizzly.Options (grizzly v8.5.3)
Grizzly config options.
@type t() :: %Grizzly.Options{ associations_file: Path.t(), database_file: Path.t() | nil, extra_config: String.t() | nil, firmware_update_handler: Grizzly.handler() | nil, hardware_version: byte() | nil, inclusion_adapter: module(), inclusion_handler: Grizzly.handler() | nil, indicator_handler: (Grizzly.Indicator.event() -> :ok), lan_ip: :inet.ip_address(), manufacturer_id: non_neg_integer() | nil, pan_ip: :inet.ip_address(), power_level: {Grizzly.Supervisor.tx_power(), Grizzly.Supervisor.measured_power()} | nil, product_id: byte() | nil, product_type: byte() | nil, rf_region: Grizzly.Supervisor.rf_region() | nil, run_zipgateway: boolean(), serial_log: Path.t() | nil, serial_port: String.t(), status_reporter: module(), trace_options: [Grizzly.Trace.trace_opt()], transport: module(), tun_script: Path.t(), unsolicited_destination: {:inet.ip_address(), :inet.port_number()}, zipgateway_binary: Path.t(), zipgateway_config_path: Path.t(), zipgateway_port: :inet.port_number(), zw_programmer_path: Path.t(), zwave_firmware: zwave_firmware_options() }
See Grizzly.Supervisor
@type zwave_firmware_options() :: %{ enabled: boolean(), specs: [Grizzly.ZWaveFirmware.UpgradeSpec.t()], chip_series: Grizzly.ZWaveFirmware.chip_series(), module_reset_fun: Grizzly.ZWaveFirmware.module_reset_fun() }
Options for configuring Z-Wave module firmware upgrades.
- whether or not to enable firmware upgradesspecs
- a list of firmware upgrade specifications. If multiple specs match, the first will be applied. SeeGrizzly.ZWaveFirmware.UpgradeSpec
- the Z-Wave module chip type. SeeGrizzly.ZWaveFirmware.chip_series/0
- a function that performs a hard rest of the Z-Wave module. Used to detect whether the module is stuck at the bootloader due to a previous failed upgrade. SeeGrizzly.ZWaveFirmware.module_reset_fun/0
@spec new([Grizzly.Supervisor.arg()]) :: t()
@spec to_zipgateway_config(t()) :: Grizzly.ZIPGateway.Config.t()