View Source Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.ScheduleEntryLockTimeOffsetSet (grizzly v8.5.3)

This command is used to set the current local tzo and dst offsets into an Entry Lock Device. A


  • :sign_tzo - Plus (0) or minus (1) sign to indicate a positive or negative offset from UTC.

  • :hour_tzo - Specify the number of hours that the originating time zone deviates from UTC.

  • :minute_tzo - Specify the number of minutes that the originating time zone deviates UTC.

  • :sign_offset_dst - Plus (0) or minus (1) sign to indicate a positive or negative offset from UTC.

  • :minute_offset_dst - This field MUST specify the number of minutes the time is to be adjusted when daylight savings mode is enabled.



@type param() ::
  {:sign_tzo, :plus | :minus}
  | {:hour_tzo, integer()}
  | {:minute_tzo, integer()}
  | {:sign_offset_tzo, :plus | :minus}
  | {:minute_offset_dst, integer()}