View Source Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.DoorLockCapabilitiesReport (grizzly v8.3.0)

This command is used to advertise the Door Lock capabilities supported by the sending node.


  • :supported_operations - the supported door lock operation types

  • :supported_door_lock_modes - the supported door lock modes

  • :configurable_outside_handles - which outside handles can be enabled and disabled via configuration

  • :configurable_inside_handles - which inside handles can be enabled and disabled via configuration

  • :supported_door_components - the supported door lock components that can be reported on

  • :auto_relock_supported? - whether the auto-relock functionality is supported

  • :hold_and_release_supported? - whether the hold-and-release functionality is supported

  • :twist_assist_supported? - whether the twist assist functionality is supported

  • :block_to_block_supported? - whether the block-to-block functionality is supported



@type param() ::
  | {:supported_door_lock_modes, [Grizzly.ZWave.CommandClasses.DoorLock.mode()]}
  | {:configurable_outside_handles, [1..4]}
  | {:configurable_inside_handles, [1..4]}
  | {:supported_door_components,
  | {:auto_relock_supported?, boolean()}
  | {:hold_and_release_supported?, boolean()}
  | {:twist_assist_supported?, boolean()}
  | {:block_to_block_supported?, boolean()}