Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.ConfigurationSet (grizzly v8.7.0)

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Set the configuration parameter


  • :param_number - the configuration parameter number to set (required)
  • :value - the value of the parameter, can be set to :default to set
           the parameter back to the factory default value (required)
  • :size - specifies the size of the configuration parameter
         (required if not resetting to default)
  • :format - one of :signed_integer, :unsigned_integer, :enumerated or :bit_field (defaults to :signed_integer)


The size of the parameter are the values 1, 2, and 4 which is the number of bytes for the configuration parameter value. This should be provided by the user manual of our device.

Factory reset a param

If you want to factory reset a configuration parameter you can pass :default as the :value param


The configuration value MUST be encoded according to the Format field advertised in the Configuration Properties Report Command for the parameter number.

If the parameter format is “Unsigned integer”, normal binary integer encoding MUST be used. If the parameter format is “Signed integer”, the binary encoding MUST use the two's complement representation. If the parameter format is “Enumerated”, the parameter MUST be treated as an unsigned integer. A graphical configuration tool SHOULD present this parameter as a series of radio buttons. If the parameter format is “Bit field” the parameter MUST be treated as a bit field where each individual bit can be set or reset. A graphical configuration tool SHOULD present this parameter as a series of checkboxes.




@type param() ::
  {:size, 1 | 2 | 4}
  | {:format, :signed_integer | :unsigned_integer | :enumerated | :bit_field}
  | {:value, integer() | :default}
  | {:param_number, byte()}